Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Noah, a godly man, overcame a great obstacle during his lifetime.  God told Noah there was going to be an expansive flood brought to wipe almost every living thing from the face of the Earth.  Trusting and obeying God, Noah built a colossal ark for his family and two of every creature.  Tired, but continuously faithful, Noah and his family waited for the storm to stop.  Successfully, they survived the storm and God made a promise to never wipe out the Earth with a flood again.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The brown pelican

  What kind of bird scoops its dinner up and out of the water?  This exceptional creature is the brown pelican.  Unlike other pelicans, the brown pelican dives head first from sixty-five feet above water down into the ocean to catch fish.  Other species of pelicans fly close to the surface of the water to find their prey.  Brown pelicans prey mainly on small fish that form schools near the surface of the water.  They will sometimes scavenge dead animals and eat invertebrates such as prawn and shrimp.  Populating on the coasts between North and South America, the brown pelican enjoys living on warm beaches with plenty of fish.  These birds have dark brown feathers and an oversized orange or yellow beak.  The brown pelican is a sizable bird.  From the tip of their beak to the end of their tail both male and female brown pelicans measure about four feet long.  In addition, their wingspan is about six feet wide.  Fascinating humans with their many remarkable traits, the brown pelican is yet another reason to head to the beach!

A brown pelican in flight

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sundae For Dessert

The aroma of chocolate fills the room as sweet sauce gets poured onto a scoop of strawberry ice-cream.   A cherry tops the delicious dessert.  The cold cream slowly turns into liquid inside of my mouth.  My spoon clings against the glass as I scrape the sides of the container, anxious for another bite.  The fruity taste of strawberries perfectly complements the chocolate syrup.  The bright red cherry enters my mouth and makes my taste buds dance.  Just one, two, three bites more and...
                                                         BRAIN FREEZE

The Coahuitecan Indians (essay)

  The Coahuiltecan Indians lived a difficult life.  They lived in southern Texas near Mexico.  The region where they lived was deserted and had very few resources.  Their diet consisted mainly of snakes, lizards, armadillos, prickly pear cactus, and javelinas.
  The Coahuiltecans were nomads, meaning they traveled from place to place to find food and natural resources.  They had very few tools and spent most of their time only surviving instead of spending time making pots, tools, and any other items that you may find the other Indian tribes making.  Coahuiltecans traveled in bands.  Bands were groups of people that lived together.  There were hundreds of bands and each one had about 150 people.
  Because their region did not have many resources, initially no one wanted their land.  This caused them to be weak warriors.  When other tribes eventually started to become interested in owning their land, the Coahuiltecans lost many battles. As a result, the Coahuiltecan tribe disappeared.  Today there are no known members of this Native American tribe remaining.